Scripture teaches us that each person is created in the image of God; we have a responsibility to care for our brothers and sisters - especially those who are working hard to keep their heads above water.
Common sense tells us that all human beings get sick. But if a person is forced to work when they are sick due to fear they will lose their job or they will not be able to pay their rent, it diminishes their humanity and puts the public health at risk.
Our faith teaches us to share in the abundance of creation, and that all workers are to receive an honest wage for an honest day's work. In La Grange, the average family income is seven times greater than a minimum wage earner in La Grange. Should we not share our abundance with hard working people?

I am concerned about a local movement that would exclude the businesses in La Grange from the Cook County Minimum Wage and Paid Sick Days ordinances -- and any future regional ordinances dealing with the same issues. There has been very little publicity about this ordinance which will be voted on by the Village Trustees on March 13. Why would La Grange want to be known as a village that takes away rights from workers, the very people who help to make our village so enjoyable?
Will we choose profits or justice for hard working neighbors? Will some have to choose between putting food on the table or a roof over their heads and their jobs? Will a local employee be forced to choose between staying home with a sick child or with the flu and paying their bills? To ask our brothers and sisters to make such a choice is unfair to those who serve us food, who decorate and clean village streets, and who take care of our children. I don't want La Grange to be known for our lack of caring for everyone. Will you help to keep this from happening?
I'm putting on my Prophetic Cap and calling upon my sisters and brothers in faith to do the same. Will you join me in this struggle for justice? Will you make a stand for the Realm of God?
You can help in three ways:
- I invite you to join a postcard campaign. There will be postcards available in the Founder's Room and in the back of the Sanctuary to write to the Trustees and voice your opinion of this ordinance. These will be presented to the Trustees at the meeting on March 13.
- Contact each of the village Trustees and voice your opinions about this ordinance, and ask each where he stands on the issue. (Maybe remind him that there is an election on April 4). A list of the Trustees and their contact information available here.
- Join us as we gather to organize before the Village Trustees meeting. We will gather at 6:30 at First Congregational Church of La Grange. We will walk together to the Village Hall for the meeting.
Lenten Blessings,
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