You see, your vote was a choice that put people's safety as women, people of color, those descended from immigrants, people who sought refuge in this county, people with medical challenges, disabled people on the line. Your vote is a reflection of how much you value truth, transparency, mercy, sexual morality, generosity, and humility. You chose someone -- said you could live with a leader-- and it reflects who you will follow and what you value.
What does it say about you if you choose someone who acts in ways, says things, and has a history of behavior which is fundamentally against everything Christ taught us about how we treat other people, if your vote negated your regard for every black person, every disabled person, every woman, and every person who voiced disagreement with a politician as less important than your dislike for the other candidates? To vote for a slanderous, deceptive, merciless, racist, sexually immoral, greedy person is a reflection of who you are and what you value. To vote for someone for the highest office in the land who you would not want your daughter or grand daughter to have as a mentor is a reflection of your values -- and who you value.
To me it says that my rights, my safety, my well being, and my person are less important, less valuable than what you value. And that, friends, is why I marched on Saturday. To say to you and everyone else that I will not be dismissed as less than human by any politician, any other citizen, any brother or sister in Christ. And I will not allow any other brother or sister human to be treated this way.
I will continue to love and respect my brothers and sisters who love the new political leadership in this country. But I am no longer sure how to relate to you in a personal way. My trust in you has been torn apart by your decision in November. How can I trust you with my being if you would trust someone who has said and done the things DJT has said and done?
On the other hand, I also thank you. By lifting up a ego-maniacal, unethical man to the highest office in the land, this nation has unleashed the greatest rebellious force since the Civil War. And we just getting started. Along side of my sisters and brothers, I will fight tooth and nail against any policy, decision, law, or action that demeans, belittles, takes away the rights, or denies equality and justice, and equity to ALL people.
We've only just begun to march, to protest, to speak truth to power.
Someone greater than any of us said a long time ago,
"'The Spirit of the Lord is upon me,
because he has anointed me
to bring good news to the poor.
He has sent me to proclaim release to the captives
and recovery of sight to the blind,
to let the oppressed go free,
to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor.'......
Then he began to say to them,
“Today this scripture has been fulfilled in your hearing.'”
This is the year of God's favor. It's time to march.